#MondayMotivation 5/14/18

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. - Walt Disney Lots of changes happening in my life lately and they won't be stopping for a bit. But they're all good and happy things. I didn't think I would be so M.I.A but... Continue Reading →

Quote of the Week (123)

The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals. - Melody Beattie                                

Youtube Channel??

**This is a super quick post to let you guys know about some new stuff!** After much debate and plenty of second guessing I bit the bullet. I started a YouTube channel. Now this isn't going to be your traditional vlog or beauty channel. I want my little space on YouTube to be about the... Continue Reading →

“Why so serious?”

Of course I have to start this with a Joker line! So I finally made a personal blog (yeah)! For those who don't know me, which is probably everyone. My name is Alexandria (Alex for short), HI. I am 18 years old and only have about 5 months left of high school (YES!!). I consider... Continue Reading →

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