#MondayMotivation 5/14/18

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. - Walt Disney Lots of changes happening in my life lately and they won't be stopping for a bit. But they're all good and happy things. I didn't think I would be so M.I.A but... Continue Reading →

#MondayMotivation 3/26/18

I was finally able to see The Greatest Showman the other day and loved it. I understand now why everyone was obsessed with the soundtrack and the movie. I love musicals and especially ones with a deeper message. The #1 message I received from this movie is to be completely unafraid to be you. I feel that we get told... Continue Reading →

#MondayMotivation 3/12/15

Sometimes you just need to rest. I've been working really hard on not stressing over things. Like if I happen to not have enough time to write a #MM I won't freak out but focus on working on other posts and just setting aside time for it next week. I don't really write #MM in... Continue Reading →

#MondayMotivation 2/26/18

Random train of thought: I used to hate the idea of selfies. Which is funny since I used to take them with my old blue pocket camera in middle school, but were not talking about that. The "mainstream" idea of the selfie wasn't something I was on board with for the longest. I hated having... Continue Reading →

#MondayMotivation 2/19/18

I wanted to write something super motivational about powering through sickness but I've got nothing. I'm only just now getting to the hopeful end of being sick since last Tuesday.  It was bad enough that I took off 3 days of work and have gone through 4 boxes of tissues. I'm still going through tissues... Continue Reading →

#MondayMotivation 1/29/18

It's the end of January! We made it people. I honestly can not belive February is 2 days away. Everyone keeps telling me that the older you get the quicker time moves. Which I think isn't necessarily true but wrong either. I feel that at different stages in your life time feels like it's going slower... Continue Reading →

#MondayMotivation 1/8/18

I've come to realize that its okay to not want to have to deal with other people's drama. You don't have to be dragged down by their negativity. That doesn't mean you can't help a friend when their dealing with problems or having a  low moment. But you don't have to be forced to deal... Continue Reading →

#MondayMotivation 1/1/18

I've never believed that because it's a new year I have to set multiple new years resolutions and set to change a bunch of things about myself. I think you can reinvent yourself anytime you want to. Sometimes more than once in a week. You don't automatically have to switch up everything since its January... Continue Reading →

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